It sounds self-evident – People who have type 2 diabetes, and thereby effectively store glucose and fats do not need to eat often. Only twice daily may be best. It… read more →
The Metabolic Effects of Carbs, Fats, and Protein Carbs: Carbohydrates cause a strong release of insulin and trigger your body to store and save most of what you just ate.… read more →
I was a speaker at the Paleo f(x) conference last weekend. 1500 attendees—all interested in ancestral diet and fitness for health and performance. It was a treat for me to… read more →
Researchers looked at the gene that signals the manufacture of a salivary enzyme, amylase, that begins the process of carbohydrate digestion. Some people have extra copies of this gene and… read more →
Beware – Gene protects from type 2 diabetes I am not a mere contrarian, hear me out. I know some genetics researcher has drawn investors with this rubbish. The… read more →
Guidelines about dietary sugar (and salt and exercise) fall short. –Dr Richard Maurer Institutional guidelines rarely improve health. Sorry for that. Although the sugar guideline is a step in the… read more →
Kidney Stones – Prevention is Key by, Richard Maurer, ND & Research has found a link, between type 2 diabetes and kidney stones. It appears that those at risk for… read more →