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50 Cove Street • Portland, ME 04101 • (207) 200-4085 • FAX: (207) 710-5385 email
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You need to run this test if you…
  • Are gaining weight
  • Experience high blood sugars
  • Have cholesterol issues
  • Have developed a cardiovascular problem like high blood pressure
  • Want to better understand conditions like fatigue, migraines and inflammation
  • Want to know which diet and exercise plan works for you
You need to run this test if you…
  • Have a family or past history of early stroke or heart attack
  • Have been told that your cholesterol levels are a concern
  • Want a deeper understanding of your cardiovascular health & risks
  • Have a condition, like inflammation, that raises risk of heart disease
  • Need to assess your full cardio-metabolic response to your diet
  • Wonder whether cardiovascular therapy has worked to lower overall risk

Real Results... See the effects

Dr Maurer introduces the basics of The Blood Code - What it is and what it will do for you.


  • Reverse type 2 diabetes
  • Correct insulin resistance and lose weight
  • Improve a slow metabolism
Learn more by clicking the video link below:
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What's happening with the Blood Code
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