The Obesity Paradox: Dead Wrong Again

Ready for a shocker? Overweight type 2 diabetics have fewer complications than thin ones.

Huh? You say. Perhaps I’ve oversimplified it a little here, but this is essentially confusing the medical associations. Medically and communally, we have blamed obesity as the very cause of type 2 diabetes. Both the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology jointly stated in their 2014 publications, “Obesity raises the risk of morbidity from hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus (diabetes), coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke . . . [and this like just goes on and on—you can read it all here:]

So when medical authorities observe that overweight people with type 2 diabetes have fewer complications than leaner folks, they re-use the old medical paradox to describe it.  In Diabetes Care, the researchers leave no doubt in the article, “Obesity Paradox Does Exist.” [

The word paradox has, aptly, a double meaning, one is a puzzle or enigma and the other is an absurdity or nonsense. When medical authorities cling to a myth and call the truths around them paradox, it’s nonsense.

What if the fundamental tenet of the American Diabetic and American Cardiologic Associations were wrong? What if weight gain did not cause or result in complications, what if the problem were something entirely different? There is no paradox. Those with weight gain have the innate ancestral power to store more of what they eat. Insulin resistance is the real problem, and those who can store, while they do get bigger, have a better capacity to control and reverse their insulin resistance.

That’s it. When a medical institution starts talking about a paradox, it is simply that their prior conclusion is downright wrong. Remember the French Paradox? The French people in the study could eat saturated fat and cholesterol rich foods and not have heart disease—must be a paradox, because the American Medical Associations had vilified saturated fat. Turns out that saturated fat was not the issue at all. [Open Heart 2014;1: doi:10.1136/openhrt-2013-000032] There was no French Paradox. It was simply that the saturated fat myth was dead wrong.

The Obesity Paradox? Dead wrong again

Weight gain is a symptom, not a cause. Don’t rely on weight as the mark of risk for heart disease, stroke or anything for that matter. Look inside—your answer is revealed your blood test results.

I have seen thousands of people unlock their Blood Code Test Panels to reveal their incredible power to store. Perhaps it is a fasting insulin greater than 10 uIU/mL, or a TG:HDL ratio greater than 3. True, these people will be big. But if I find someone has this storage ability along with high blood sugar or type 2 diabetes, I am thrilled. They are the most likely, in my experience, to completely reverse their type 2 diabetes and re-discover their incredible and perfect metabolism.  Check out Jim’s video story here.  He is just one of so many.  Go to and post a story if you have one to tell. And if you are gaining weight with your high blood sugars – GREAT, that is awesome. Just get your blood code dialed in and live in accordance with your primal ability to store.