Why Having Insulin Resistance Saved Your Life

I love this spin. Medical-speak uses the Fire-and-Brimstone language with insulin resistance stating, “It is the precursor that, no-doubt, leads to type 2 diabetes and obesity.” When in fact, our metabolic conditions are usually the result of generations upon generations of survival. . . or even extraordinary performance.

Let’s evaluate insulin resistance from this positive perspective. The brain of primates and dolphins require large amounts of glucose and oxygen to feed the high metabolic activity of such a relatively large brain. So if dietary conditions move toward a protein and fat based diet for an extended period of time, selection will favor those who can maintain sugar in the bloodstream eating this low-carbohydrate diet. In the case of Dolphins, scientists theorize that when they took back to the water 55 million years ago, the fish and squid in the diet provided a fat and protein source but minimal to no carbohydrate. Similar with Primates, with the last ice age, access to roots and starchy plants was severely limited. In the case of human development, there are both short and long-term stories at play. Long-term, theories include the recent past ice age resulting in a dearth of carbohydrate foods, and the lack of cooking techniques further limited our ability to digest the carbohydrate foods that existed. Short-term—weather, soil conditions and political environments have affected access to adequate and frequent caloric intake in particular cultures. With only one meal per day, those that could reproduce successfully under the deprived condition had a unique ability to physically thrive on less. Island cultures have been particularly vulnerable to limitations in the caloric diversity and reliability. When conditions were bad on the land, those with an ability to store and keep more caloric energy were more likely to survive a famine or period of low caloric intake.

It is no surprise that conditions of thrifty storage abound in the same people. Insulin resistance/diabetes, and hypothyroidism all provide the person with a thrifty metabolism. More residual sugar for energy and a slower burn-rate of precious calories.

Insulin resistance is why many of us are here. Yes, you owe your existence to this trait. The problem is: our lifestyle and diet have changed too quickly for us to adapt. Humans can ingest 500 calories by opening a screw top. I caution people about the misguided “drug-cure” for insulin resistance. Drug therapies that alter one little piece of our well-adapted metabolism come with notably risky side-effects. Building a lifestyle of activity and a diet of less carbohydrate is our answer. Our metabolism is perfectly ingenious; our dietary and fitness conditions are easier to improve upon.

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