Cheese is an incredibly concentrated form of milk. In our house, we have made fresh mozzarella from a full gallon of raw milk. After removing the small pork-tenderloin sized piece… read more →
Twitter: @drrichardmaurer Nutritional needs vary little for kids and adults—therefore what works for one, works for the other. But what if it’s not working for the adults. Like the famous… read more →
Adults who use antacids in the form of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are between 16% and 21% more likely to experience a heart attack than people who don’t use these… read more →
Vitamin D must be supplemented, a little bit, if you have type 2 diabetes or prediabetes. At my Maine office-it’s still getting dark well-before 5 PM – and with the cold… read more →
If you are on prescription metformin and you are initiating an exercise program . . . Bravo to your efforts! Exercise works better than metformin to control blood sugars, and… read more →
Guidelines about dietary sugar (and salt and exercise) fall short. –Dr Richard Maurer Institutional guidelines rarely improve health. Sorry for that. Although the sugar guideline is a step in the… read more →
This unique nutrient receives attention for type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and metabolism. Coenzyme Q10 / CoQ10: Coenzyme Q10 has another name, Ubiquinol, a reference to its ubiquitous presence in… read more →