Richard Maurer, ND Sully, a 58-year-old adventurous and healthy man, shared his confusion with me at our first visit. His primary care doctor recommended a statin, on top of his… read more →
THIS article is worth looking at again…Sarah just wrote to me and admitted that she can’t fathom that such a short workout can be useful so more often than not,… read more →
Hey SB, I am finally getting to your question. You asked, “Would you share with me what your day looks like lately – as far as food intake and meal… read more →
Beverly is a 58year-old woman who had gained 20 pounds over the past 10 years of her busy career. She is 155 pounds when I see her. Skin fold calipers… read more →
Both Dr. Richard Maurer and fitness expert, Jeff Eckhouse will teach and lead you in the essentials for your at-home metabolic recovery fitness program
THIS CLASS IS FULL – PLEASE CHECK OUT THE FEB 9th CLASS TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE I know myself what it feels like to exercise and not get results… read more →
Cheese is an incredibly concentrated form of milk. In our house, we have made fresh mozzarella from a full gallon of raw milk. After removing the small pork-tenderloin sized piece… read more →
How do I use my skin-fold calipers? A skin-fold caliper is a device that measures the thickness of a fold of skin in millimeters (mm), with its underlying layer of… read more →